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Madison County

CityView welcomes Madison County, Alabama, as its newest customer. Madison County joins a number of CityView customers in the area, including neighboring government agencies Decatur and Tuscaloosa, among others.

The County will be implementing a variety of CityView modules to replace its existing software, which will provide citizens with online self-service options, in-the-field connection to the back office and paperless plan reviews.

Replacing outdated systems

To achieve its goals of modernization and improved service delivery, Madison County has chosen to replace its existing software with CityView's comprehensive suite of modules. From automating permit approval and streamlining inspections to managing business and animal licensing, CityView covers it all with one integrated system. This transition will enable the County to benefit from the advanced features and functionality offered by CityView's software, ensuring a seamless and efficient workflow.

Enhancing the citizen experience

Madison County recognizes the importance of providing convenient and user-friendly services to its residents. By adopting CityView Portal, for example, the County will empower citizens with online self-service options, making it easier for them to access information, submit applications and engage with local government services. Real-time access to back-office data from the field via CityView Mobile empowers inspectors to get more done in less time. The introduction of these digital capabilities will significantly enhance the citizen experience and improve overall satisfaction.

Expanding capabilities

In addition to the core modules, Madison County will also leverage several supplementary CityView offerings to further enhance its operations. CityView Electronic Plans Review will create a completely paperless plan review process for the County, using the power of CityView and Bluebeam® software to easily circulate, review, mark up and compare documents, building plans and construction drawings. Our unique Microsoft Outlook and Word add-in tools increase productivity for staff through seamless integration.

Creating a partnership

Madison County's decision to partner with CityView not only benefits the County itself but also highlights its commitment to promoting innovative solutions within the region. The county actively encourages other jurisdictions in the area to consider CityView as their preferred municipal software provider.

We are excited to begin our journey and look forward to a long prosperous friendship/partnership with Harris and CityView,” said Building/Fire Official Steve Woodard.

By sharing their positive experiences and advocating for CityView's offerings, Madison County demonstrates its dedication to improving service delivery and fostering collaboration among neighboring municipalities.

About Madison County

Madison County is Alabama's third most populated county with a per capita income second only to Shelby County, Alabama. Located in the heart of the Tennessee Valley, Madison County is approximately 100 miles directly south of Nashville and includes 806 square miles ranging from the southernmost ridges of the Appalachians to the Tennessee River.

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