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Islands Trust go live

Islands Trust, a special purpose government mandated to preserve and protect over 450 islands in the Salish Sea, has successfully gone live with CityView Planning and CityView Electronic Plans Review.

Embracing innovation for economic growth

In September 2022, Islands Trust joined the CityView community, seeking to automate manual processes and foster economic growth through current technology and efficiency improvements. Prior to adopting CityView, plan reviews were labor-intensive and time-consuming. The implementation of CityView Electronic Plans Review has significantly improved turnaround times, eliminated paper copies and provided a faster, more consistent review cycle.

Streamlining planning and zoning with CityView

CityView’s planning and zoning software has equipped Islands Trust with tools to conduct spatial analysis using integrated GIS and maintain a comprehensive history for each project. By automating and monitoring complex business processes, CityView ensures that planning and zoning projects adhere to the specific guidelines of each jurisdiction.

"We are thrilled to see Islands Trust fully leverage CityView to streamline their operations. The move to our electronic plan review system has not only optimized their processes but also supported their mission to preserve and protect the unique ecosystems of the Salish Sea," said Kafayat O., CityView project manager. "Our partnership with Islands Trust exemplifies the positive impact that modern technology can have on local governance and environmental stewardship."

About the Islands Trust area

The Islands Trust Area, encompassing the waters and islands of the Salish Sea between southern Vancouver Island and the mainland, is a region of spectacular beauty, extensive archaeological and culturally important sites, and endangered ecosystems. Covering 5,200 square kilometers, the area includes 13 major islands, 450 smaller islands, and is home to over 30,000 residents and 10,000 non-resident property owners. It is also the homeland of over 28,000 Coast Salish People.

Islands Trust's transition to CityView marks a significant step towards optimized processes and sustainable growth, benefiting both the community and the environment.